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Industrial & Multi Market , Automotive Application , consumer goods and industrial equipment , Automotive Products

Commercial, Construction and Agricultural Vehicles  (CAV)

Commercial, Construction and Agricultural Vehicles  (CAV)
The right terrain and technologies for greater efficiency

As a supplier of semiconductor and system solutions, Infineon constantly develops innovative and efficient solutions. Keeping up with the latest market trends in commercial, construction, and agriculture vehicles (CAV), requires increasingly eco-friendly products and solutions. Especially for CAVs that must operate at the highest possible availability and the lowest possible total cost of ownership (TCO).
Semi- and fully-autonomous technologies make CAVs safer for operators while also being more efficient and precise. Machines that run 24/7 with no downtime. Tractors that independently navigate their surroundings and react based on data they collect. Such machines literally leave fully human-operated systems in the dust. At the same time, electrification is becoming an increasingly attractive option for CAVs. Manufacturers rely on electric drivetrains to comply with the latest emissions and energy regulations. At the same time, operators use electrification to boost higher process efficiency and yields.

Schematic Description

Schematic Description
From driver assistance to automated drivin

The effects of electrohydraulic power steering (EHPS) on CO2 reduction are remarkable. The system provides, on-demand, the exact amount of oil and pressure required to operate a hydraulic steering system of an industrial vehicle. The benefits of switching from full hydraulic steering to EHPS result in fuel savings of 0,9 to 1,2% with a CO2 reduction of 6 to 11g/km.
At the same time, basic EHPS has lower safety requirements com-pared to more complex steering systems. Because they require level 2 and higher automated driving systems, EHPS and full-electric power steering (EPS) are today, and will remain, state of the art.
Discover the resources you need to start your design. Infineon offers a broad range of semiconductor solutions for basic EHPS (level 0-1) and 24V EPS systems with active steering (level 2) to enable lane keep assist which helps to reduce CO2 and increase the safety of transportation. Our solution for 24V EPS for fail-operational steering enables highly automated commercial vehicles (level 3-4) up to fully autonomous driving for CAVs. (more info
NEXTY Electronics